
ASUS B1M DLP Projector Specs

The ASUS B1M Projector is a WXGA Portable Projector. This LED projector is capable of displaying 700 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native ...

ASUS B1M Projector - Portable LED [PN:PJ

超亮無線LED投影機. 透過700光輸出效率和WXGA 1280 x 800 解析度,提供非常清晰銳利的視覺效果。 搭載華碩Wi- ...

Asus B1M Ultra Bright Portable Wireless LED Projector ...

ASUS Wi-Fi projection lets you wirelessly connect and stream presentations; Short throw projection of 51-inch from just 1 meter from the screen ...


Incredibly sharp visuals with 700-lumen light output and WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution ASUS Wi-Fi Projection lets you wirelessly connect and stream ...

B1M | Projectors

The ASUS B1M Ultra-bright Wireless LED Projector delivers incredibly bright, sharp visuals with native WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution, 700 lumens light output, and ...

B1M | Projectors

The ASUS B1M Ultra-bright Wireless LED Projector delivers incredibly bright, sharp visuals with native WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution, 700 lumens light output, and ...

B1M | Projectors

The ASUS B1M Ultra-bright Wireless LED Projector delivers incredibly bright, sharp visuals with native WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution, 700 lumens light output, and ...


B1M 採用無汞環保LED光源,具有30,000小時的使用壽命,可降低維修和更換燈泡的成本。 BRIGHT, CRISP PROJECTIONS. 輕巧型可攜式Wi-Fi投影機,無需電纜線.


The ASUS B1M Ultra-bright Wireless LED Projector delivers incredibly bright, sharp visuals with native WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution, 700 lumens light output, and ...


TheASUSB1MProjectorisaWXGAPortableProjector.ThisLEDprojectoriscapableofdisplaying700Lumensatitsbrightestsettingwithanative ...,超亮無線LED投影機.透過700光輸出效率和WXGA1280x800解析度,提供非常清晰銳利的視覺效果。搭載華碩Wi- ...,ASUSWi-Fiprojectionletsyouwirelesslyconnectandstreampresentations;Shortthrowprojectionof51-inchfromjust1meterfromthescreen ...,Incrediblysharpvisualswith700-lumenlighto...